
Ducie’s Diary: June 2020

Just over two months ago, I had everything mapped out for spring and early summer. I was due to have knee surgery on 26th March, so my physical movement was […]

Change of Plan…

Anyone who knows me will attest to the fact I am an inveterate planner. I have lists; lists of lists; and spreadsheets about lists of lists. And one of the […]

Television Tales: 2010s

This week we conclude my meander around television through the decades. Television, that cultural icon sitting in the corner of most people’s lounges, which has been blamed for all sorts […]

Ducie’s Diary: January

Regular readers of my blog will know I tend to use a loose monthly pattern for my posts. The first Monday is usually My Working World, a travel/geography piece, based […]

Television Tales: 2000s

This week we are continuing my meander around television through the decades. Television, that cultural icon sitting in the corner of most people’s lounges, which has been blamed for all […]

An Ever-Growing Glass?

This time last year, having, in true politician style, converted the rather lack-lustre results for my 2018 objectives into an apparently sparkling set of achievements in a packed schedule, I […]

Signing Off for 2019…

Dear All. I’m going offline for the holidays. Have a great time, whatever your beliefs and whatever your plans. I will be back, with lots of new ideas, early next […]

Television Tales: 1990s

This week we are continuing my meander around television through the decades. Television, that cultural icon sitting in the corner of most people’s lounges, which has been blamed for all […]

Christmas Specials…

The perfect present for the readers in your life. Buy direct from me and solve all those gift problems in one go. Get any one of the Suzanne Jones thrillers […]

Television Tales: 1980s

This week we are continuing my meander around television through the decades. Television, that cultural icon sitting in the corner of most people’s lounges, which has been blamed for all […]

Television Tales: 1970s

This week we are continuing my meander around television through the decades. Television, that cultural icon sitting in the corner of most people’s lounges, which has been blamed for all […]

Television Tales: 1960s

This week we are continuing my meander around television through the decades. Television, that cultural icon sitting in the corner of most people’s lounges, which has been blamed for all sorts […]

Television Tales: 1950s

Today I am starting another of my series of meanders down memory lane, examining some of the cultural references that resonate with me, and hopefully with you too. So far […]

Saying Goodbye To The Garden

Friday already and at the Hayes Conference  Centre, Actual Swanwickers are putting the final touches to their packing, while elsewhere, members of Virtual Swanwick are putting away the garden chairs. […]

Who’s In The Garden on Saturday?

It’s the second Saturday in August! Hundreds of writers are converging on a small town in Derbyshire. It’s time for the annual Writers’ Summer School known familiarly as ‘Swanwick’. And […]

Elizabeth Chats With…Anne Cater

I first came across this week’s guest through her wonderful Facebook group, Book Connectors. Currently composed of nearly 5000 members, it’s a place where authors and bloggers can connect, and talk […]

Writerly Round-Up: July 2019

The end of July already! And it’s been a busy, fun-filled month in our household. We celebrated our forty-second wedding anniversary with a quiet supper at home, musing on whether […]

Movie Moments: 2010s

This week we have the final instalment of my latest meander across the decades. In Movie Moments, we’re looking at what was topping the charts at the box office, some […]

Busy, Busy, Busy…

It’s the second Monday of the month, which is always interview day. Except, this month, it isn’t. There are five Monday in July, which doesn’t fit too well with a […]

My Working World: H is for…

It’s on days like today I realise how big the world is, how long the alphabet is – and how little I’ve seen of either, despite travelling on business for […]

Writerly Round-Up: June 2019

Here we are, nearing the end of June; and although it only seems like yesterday when we were all stuffing ourselves with chocolates in front of the Christmas tree – […]

Movie Moments: 2000s

This week we have another instalment of my latest meander across the decades. In Movie Moments, we’re looking at what was topping the charts at the box office, some of […]

Writerly Round-up: May 2019

May is one of my favourite months. It’s when my garden puts away its winter garb and starts dressing for summer. Looking through the office doors as I type, I […]

Movie Moments: 1990s

This week we have another instalment of my latest meander across the decades. In Movie Moments, we’re looking at what was topping the charts at the box office, some of […]

My Working World: G is for…

After a couple of rather dry months, it looks like my luck is changing. There are eleven countries in the world beginning with G, and I’ve visited four of them, […]

Movie Moments: 1980s

This week we return to my latest series of meanders through the past seven decades. In Movie Moments, we’re looking at what was topping the charts at the box office, […]

My Working World: F is for…

This seemed such a great idea when I first thought about it. I’ve worked in more than fifty countries around the world, interacting with hundreds of people, in government and […]

Writerly Round-Up: March 2019

While last month was filled with gastronomic treats, this month has been particularly theatrical. I saw two favourite singers, Irina Ilnytska and Jane Anderson-Brown, perform a programme of operatic arias […]

Movie Moments: 1970s

This week we return to my latest series of meanders through the past seven decades. In Movie Moments, we’re looking at what was topping the charts at the box office, […]

Movie Moments: 1960s

This week we return to my latest series of meanders through the past seven decades. In Movie Moments, we’re looking at what was topping the charts at the box office, […]

Movie Moments: 1950s

This month sees the start of another of my series of meanders through the past seven decades. In the previous two series we’ve looked at books and songs that bring […]

Glass Half Full?

For the past couple of years, my first post in January has been a review of the previous year’s objectives: what I’ve managed to achieve; and where I’ve been less […]

Season’s Greetings

December is a busy month for all of us; and I learnt some years ago that any plans I had for writing were usually scuppered by a combination of post-NaNoWriMo […]

November’s Pot Luck Club

Welcome to November’s Pot Luck Club, a round-up of writerly bits and pieces. November has been a busy month for me, with three major events taking place in the first […]

Seven Decades of Song (7)

This month we come to the end of Seven Decades of Song, reflections on music through the years. So far we have covered the 1950s, the 1960s, the 1970s, the 1980s, the 1990s and the […]

October’s Pot Luck Club

Welcome to October’s Pot Luck Club, a round-up of writerly bits and pieces. I’ve just returned from a wonderful ten days in the Outer Hebrides with my sisters. Despite dire […]

Seven Decades of Song (6)

My latest series of monthly strolls down memory lane is Seven Decades of Song, reflections on music through the years. So far we have visited the 1950s, the 1960s, the […]

Seven Decades of Song (5)

My latest series of monthly strolls down memory lane is Seven Decades of Song, reflections on music through the years. So far we have visited the 1950s, the 1960s, the […]

August’s Pot Luck Club

Welcome to this month’s Pot Luck Club, a round-up of writerly bits and pieces. It’s Bank Holiday Monday here in the UK; which means, of course, that the sun has […]

Seven Decades of Song (4)

My latest series of monthly strolls down memory lane is Seven Decades of Song, reflections on music through the years. So far we have visited the 1950s, the 1960s and […]

#Swanwick70: That’s All Folks

Friday already, and it’s time to hit the road. We’ve taken part in courses and workshops, learned from our tutors and fellow delegates, been impressed and inspired by our guest […]

July’s Pot Luck Club

Welcome to this month’s Pot Luck Club, a round-up of writerly bits and pieces. And what a beautiful month it’s been, here in the UK. We’re still basking in warm […]

Seven Decades of Song (3)

Two months ago, I began Seven Decades of Song, a series of reflections of music through the years with a walk through the 1950s, and last month we visited my […]

Snapshots of Russia: Chelyabinsk

Between 1989 and 2012, I worked in the international pharmaceutical industry (yes, the sometimes murky world in which my thrillers are set). During that time, I travelled all over the […]

June’s Pot Luck Club

Welcome to this month’s Pot Luck Club, a round-up of writerly bits and pieces. I’ve had the benefit of a wonderful break in Greece this month, which has really recharged […]

Seven Decades of Song (2)

Last month, I began Seven Decades of Song, a new series of reflections of music through the years with a walk down the 1950s memory lane, listening to request programmes on the […]

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