
It all kicks off this evening with the Chairman’s Welcome in the Main Conference Hall. But before that, there will be lots of work in the background, getting things ready: sorting keys and conference packs; finalising badges and making last minute room changes; welcoming newcomers and well-known faces. And of course, setting up the Book Room in readiness for tomorrow.  And in our review of some of this week’s authors, we’re going to start with a crime-writer who is following in the footsteps of Ian Rankin and Val McDermid, by setting her novels in Scotland.

Val Penny is an American author living in SW Scotland. She has two adult daughters of whom she is justly proud and lives with her husband and two cats. She has a Law degree from Edinburgh University and her MSc from Napier University. She has had many jobs including hairdresser, waitress, lawyer, banker, azalea farmer and lecturer. However she has not yet achieved either of her childhood dreams of being a ballerina or owning a candy store. Until those dreams come true, she has turned her hand to writing poetry, short stories and novels. Her crime novels, Hunter’s Chase and Hunter’s Revenge are set in Edinburgh, Scotland, published by Crooked Cat Books. The third book in the series, Hunter’s Force, follows shortly.

Hunter by name – Hunter by nature: DI Hunter Wilson will not rest until Edinburgh is safe.

DI Hunter Wilson knows there is a new supply of cocaine flooding his city and he needs to find the source but his attention is transferred to murder when a corpse is discovered in the grounds of a golf course. Shortly after the post-mortem, Hunter witnesses a second murder but that is not the end of the slaughter. With a young woman’s life also hanging in the balance, the last thing Hunter needs is a new man on his team: the son of his nemesis, the former Chief Constable. You can find Hunter’s Chase in the Book Room this week or online here.

Hunter by name – Hunter by nature: DI Hunter Wilson will not rest until his friend’s death is revenged.

DI Hunter Wilson is called to the scene of a murder. He is shocked to find the victim is his friend and colleague, George Reinbold. Who would want to harm the quiet, old man? Why was a book worth £23,000 delivered to him that morning? Why is the security in George’s home so intense? Hunter must investigate his friend’s past as well as the present to identify George’s killer. Hunter also finds a new supply of cocaine from Peru flooding HMP Edinburgh and the city. The courier leads Hunter to the criminal gang but Hunter requires the help of his nemesis, the former Chief Constable, Sir Peter Myerscough and local gangster Ian Thomson to make his case. Hunter’s Revenge is available in the Book Room or for pre-order here.

Elizabeth Ducie was a successful international manufacturing consultant, when she decided to give it all up and start telling lies for a living instead.


  1. Thank you for having me in the book room, Elizabeth. Here’s to a great #Swanwick70!

      • Elizabeth Ducie

      • 7 years ago

      You are most welcome, Val. And good luck with the new book.

      1. Just to confirm, Kate, In the book room I sold 12 copies of Hunter’s Chase @ £7.00           8 copies of Hunter’s Revenge @ £7.00Total – £140.00- 11% – £ 15.40______________To me    £126.60______________Bank details sort code 09-01-28Acc No – 54684505

  2. Another interesting blog post, Elizabeth. It’s great to read about Val and get to know more about her. I’m looking forward to meeting you in person, Val. xxx

      • Elizabeth Ducie

      • 7 years ago

      Thanks, Maddie.

    1. Thank you Madalyn, it has been lovely to meet you in real life, especially at our dear Swanwick in its 70th year.

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