For the next week, this blog is moving to Derbyshire, to the little town of Swanwick, for the annual Writers’ Summer School. And this year, it’s a biggie: our seventieth anniversary. So look out for cake, bubbles, singing and dancing, in addition to the usual courses, workshops and other writerly activities. And watch out of #Swanwick70 on Facebook and Twitter. Plus, there’s Virtual Swanwick for members of the school who are unable to be there in person.
Each year, I post a daily blog from Friday to Friday. (We don’t actually open until Saturday afternoon but, as usual, my Swanwick week starts the day before with a drive up the M5 from Devon.) And as I’m running the Book Room again this year, I thought I would take the opportunity to introduce you to a few of the wonderful authors who will be selling their books all week. But before I talk about anyone else, a few words about me and my books…
Although I write as Elizabeth Ducie, most people in Swanwick know me by my real name, Kate McCormick. I used to wear a tee-shirt with both names on it. This year, I’ve got a poster linking the two – with a picture for anyone who’s still confused.
I’ve got two main threads to my writing: fiction and non-fiction. In the former, I am currently working on Corruption!, the final part of a series of thrillers set in the sometimes murky world of international pharmaceuticals. And although I didn’t quite manage to get it ready to launch this week, I will have copies of both Counterfeit! and Deception! available; together with my prize-winning debut novel, Gorgito’s Ice Rink.
But my main emphasis this year will be on my non-fiction. I’ve been delivering courses and workshops on business skills for writers for some years now. This year, I’m presenting two short courses on Writing As A Business (Monday and Wednesday), and for anyone who wants a reference book to go with the course, there will be copies of my new paperback, The Business of Writing Parts 1-3, on sale in the Book Room. In addition, there will be a few copies of an experimental workbook, containing all the worked examples and templates from the series. These are on sale at cost, and I welcome feedback from anyone who uses them.
And there are details on my website for anyone who’s not coming to Swanwick, but thinks they might be interested in any of my books. So, that’s my sale pitch over.  Here’s to a brilliant week in Swanwick. Now, where did I put my programme and highlighter pen?
Patricia M Osborne
Great blog, Kate. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Have a good trip up the M5 and thank you for taking care of the bookroom again and for going up a day earlier to get everything ready for us Swanickers. See you soon.
Elizabeth Ducie
Hi Tricia. I’m not getting there until tomorrow (it takes me a long time to drive up the M5 🙂 ). See you tomorrow. K aka E x
Bill Murtha
I’ll be following the Swanwick crowd online this year. 70th year celebrations! Wow!
I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since Katy Clarke led the 60th celebrations as Chair. Still have very fond memories of that magical summer Swanwick. I am sure she will be there in spirit. Try keeping her away now that physical limitations are no longer an issue.
Hope you all have a good one, and I’ll look forward to your daily blogs. Hope your own work is all doing well. And best wishes with the forthcoming new book launch.
Lots of love
Bill Murtha x
Elizabeth Ducie
Hello Bill; how lovely to hear from you. Yes, the ten years have just flown by, haven’t they? Katy will be smiling down on us this week; and I’m hoping she will encourage people to buy copies of ‘Chasing Unicorns’ in the Book Shop, to raise money from Rowcroft. K aka E x
Lance Greenfield Mitchell
You’ve set it up nicely, Kate. For the past two or three weeks, the excitement has been growing across social media and in blogs around the world.
I am looking forward to seeing you and many old friends and new, tomorrow.
Elizabeth Ducie
And I’m looking forward to venturing out with the Swanwick Striders, Lance; and bringing you up to date on that Uganda story. See you tomorrow. K aka E x
Sylvia Broady
Morning Elizabeth, I have just resurfaced after finishing my copy edits so did mean to ask you before about bringing my books to the Book Room. Do I just bring them or is there a protocol I follow. I am looking forward to Swanwick after a lapse of 20 years. I can’t believe how time has passed so quickly. Have a safe journey. Sylvia
Elizabeth Ducie
Good Morning Sylvia. You can just bring them with you, although it helps if you let Lesley D or me know how many titles you are bringing, for layout planning. Make sure to download the form from the website (on Book Room page) for stock and payment purposes. See you tomorrow. E x
Colin Z Smith
Really envious – I’d love to be able to get there one year. I’ve been to the Swanwick centre for other conferences, and love the place. Do have a fantastic week.
Elizabeth Ducie
We will, Colin. And it’s definitely worth trying to get there one year. K aka E x
Madalyn Morgan
Super Blog, as usual. I’m looking forward to reading Deception and adding it to my collection, Elizabeth. xx
Elizabeth Ducie
Thanks, Maddie. Great to be spending time with you this week. K aka E x