
As we approach the end of our Virtual Swanwick, tour, we are back in the Midlands. Today’s guest lives in Northamptonshire.  Although she’s a bit of a globetrotter too. As part of a British Army family she was born in Germany and lived in Cyprus and Malta as a child. She loves to travel, especially to Malta, which she thinks of as a second home. Today, at Virtual Swanwick, we are chatting to Sue Moorcroft.

Hello Sue and welcome. Tell us a bit about yourself and your writing

I write commercial fiction, books of love and life to carry you away. I’m a Sunday Times bestseller and have held the #1 spot on Amazon Kindle UK. I love reading, Formula 1, writing conferences (sorry I couldn’t make Swanwick this year!), dancing, yoga and hanging out with friends and family. I’m currently writing two books a year for Avon (HarperCollins).

What is your link to Swanwick? Have you been many times in the past?

I first encountered Swanwick as a tutor rather than a delegate. Over a few years I ran a couple of short courses, a long course and had the pleasure of being an after-dinner speaker. Twice I’ve managed to be there for the entire week and loved the joy and friendliness of it.

What’s your favourite part of the Swanwick week?

Meeting writing friends old and new. I love to be anywhere where one can talk about writing ALL THE TIME and nobody minds.

The after-dinner speakers are always a highlight of the week. Given an unlimited budget and access to all writers, living or dead, who would you book for next year?

Jeffery Archer. I’ve heard him speak once and he was amazing. A lesson for after-dinner speakers everywhere.

And finally, can you share with us a picture that illustrates your time in Virtual Swanwick…

Thanks, Sue, for helping to make the link between Virtual Swanwick and Actual Swanwick this year. We hope to see you at the Hayes again in the near future.


Elizabeth Ducie was a successful international manufacturing consultant, when she decided to give it all up and start telling lies for a living instead.

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