
It was my birthday at the weekend. I love birthdays; I love being spoiled; and I love surprises. When I’m asked what I want as a present, I always say “I don’t mind what it is, or how small it is. I just want you to choose something and wrap it up so it’s a surprise when I open it.”

pensAs a writer, and especially a writer with shiny notebook syndrome, I was delighted to receive a wonderful array of stationery-related presents, including notebooks ranging from the purely functional to the most beautiful and inventive ones. But I was especially delighted with the huge pack of coloured markers from my husband. My mind-maps will be taking on a whole new (colourful) dimension from now on.

notebooksIt was my youngest sister, with a sibling’s typical lack of respect for age, who pointed out I could no longer sing the Beatles classic, having now reached that eponymous age. She did, however, soften the blow by assuring me that yes, they do still need me and yes, they will still feed me. So that’s alright, then! And, if I can’t sing the original, I can always have a go at adapting the lyrics – in one of my shiny new notebooks, of course.

Elizabeth Ducie was a successful international manufacturing consultant, when she decided to give it all up and start telling lies for a living instead.


    • Mandy Deakin

    • 8 years ago

    Happy birthday Kate. Glad you were spoiled and had so much fun. I can’t imagine being soooo old!!
    Love Mandy

      • Elizabeth Ducie

      • 8 years ago

      Er, correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t you in the same class as me, Mandy? But in my head, I’ve never got passed 25! Kx

    • Julia Pattison

    • 8 years ago

    Happy Birthday Kate! Glad you got spoiled. Love Julia xx

      • Elizabeth Ducie

      • 8 years ago

      Thanks, Julia. Kx

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