
Thursday is the last day of the programme. The specialist courses finish in the morning; the last two-parters run until mid-afternoon. And then we start winding down, although it only seems like 2 minutes since we were all saying hello last Saturday.

Book roomFirst to go is the book room. We’ve had a hugely successful week, selling books by Swanwickers and it’s always nice to hear the gasps of surprise from authors who didn’t realise some of their books have actually ended up going home with other people.

At the AGM, the old committee stood down and the new one was introduced to the assembled members. We have a new Chairman and Treasurer, while the VC  and the Secretary are remaining in post. Three of the four remaining committee members are also new to the role. So it’s going to be an interesting year for all of them.  

Slide1Following a nomination from Diana Wimbs, an award of The Virtual Quaich was made to Katy Clarke for her efforts in organising Virtual Swanwick again this year. The news was greeted with loud applause and three cheers for Katy.

TattooDespite gathering clouds, the dregs party was held on the lawn; a chance to dress up (or down, as is your preference); finish up those half-empty bottles and packs of crisps; and chat about the achievements of the week. Also a chance for certain people to show off their tattoos!

The pantomime was the usual, wonderful mix of in-jokes, ribald remarks and rip-offs of well-known songs. I confess I was laughing so much, I forgot to make a note of the name of this year’s extravaganza, but it involved a joke writer fighting Doubt in order to win Success as an author; Simon Hall in his singing debut; Phil Collins in a dodgy moustache and raincoat; Marion Hough as a drink-crazed, sex-mad grannie; and John Lamont singing 500 words. So obviously they decided to avoid any accusations of type-casting this year! Add in a couple of great ghosts (new Chairman, Cathy Grimmer, and Liz Hurst) and a flower-bedecked chorus singing to the accompaniment of the house band; and it all added up to a great way to round off the week.

Except, of course, for prize-giving, the retiring Chairman’s farewell, and Auld Lang Syne. Heather Vivian Allison won best actress and Simon Hall best actor for their performances in Page to Stage. The award for best script went, once again, to Phil Collins.

Oh, and then we danced the rest of the evening away in the Vinery!

Elizabeth Ducie was a successful international manufacturing consultant, when she decided to give it all up and start telling lies for a living instead.

One Comment

    • Madalyn Morgan

    • 8 years ago

    I always enjoy your blog, Elizabeth. Having spent only one day at Swanwick, it’s great to see what I missed. Or is it? Hum! I shall have to come up for longer next year. Thanks again. x

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