
Morning all! I’ve overslept this morning, which is a sure sign the week’s activities are starting to tell on me. Of course, everything is relative: it’s still only 6.30am, but that’s late for me, and I’m going to have to be quick or I’ll miss Lift Up Your Pens. So just some brief highlights today.


Firstly in true British tradition, the weather forecast: the dry spell broke yesterday! The sky darkened, the heavens opened (and any other weather-related cliche you can think of). This is the Swanwick weather we’ve all come to expect. And at least the gardens and countryside will be grateful. Like many of the delegates, I spent the morning hidden away writing, and managed to tick another couple of items off this week’s objectives. My first attempt at gaming was great fun. The Wanderhome book is a work of art in itself, and while the same couldn’t be said for my portrait of Olwyn Always-Wright, my character, it was a great exercise in imagination and has given me lots of ideas for future Writing Circle meetings. The Page to Stage plays were, as always, a delight to watch. And Chatteratti came joint third in the Literary Quiz, a greatly-improved result over our performance in General Knowledge.


Wednesday is the final day in the Book Room. A chance for last minute purchases before we close the tills and tally the week’s sales. We’ve got the third session in Creative Non-Fiction, and I’m gradually realising how many places I can use all the techniques we’re learning. I’m hoping to get to the sessions on writing LGBTQ+ characters: I’ve being doing that since my second novel, so I guess I’d better check I’m doing it right. And tonight we have the Fancy Dress disco. More of that tomorrow, with pictures!

Elizabeth Ducie was a successful international manufacturing consultant, when she decided to give it all up and start telling lies for a living instead.

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