Okay, so I know it’s Tuesday in the UK, and my blog comes out on Monday; but it must still be Monday somewhere in the world? So I’m going to sneak this in under the wire and hope no-one notices how late this week’s post is.
In my defense, yesterday was Bank Holiday Monday in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. (Scotland has its Summer Bank Holiday at the beginning of August, as I found out when I tried to send flowers for my sister’s wedding anniversary one year). And it was, for once, hot and sunny – all three days of the long weekend. So I did a bit of work, but a lot of sitting in the sunshine either eating and drinking with friends or reading. In fact I finished two and half books; so time well spent.
We’ve always been a bit ambivalent about Bank Holidays in our house. They made sense when we had ‘proper jobs’ working for other people, but as we’ve worked for ourselves for many years, having a Monday off makes no more sense than working less at the weekend than we do Monday to Friday. Mind you, we still seem to stick to traditional weekends, too. We humans really are creatures of habit, aren’t we?
But I haven’t been lazing around all the time. Everything is now in place for the launch of Deception! which is rushing towards us apace. The official launch, both for the paperback and the ebook, is 19th September. However, copies will be available in advance of the date. In fact the ebook is on pre-order already and the ‘soft launch’ commences this Sunday, 3rd September (so there’s a chance of a special price offer if you are quick). We’re holding a virtual launch party online on 19th, with lots of draw prizes: many of my writerly friends have donated copies of their books. So watch out for details on Facebook and Twitter in the next couple of weeks.
And to celebrate the launch of Book 2 in the series, I have put the first one, Counterfeit!, on sale all this week at just 99p / $0.99. So if you haven’t read it, grab yourself a bargain while you have the chance.
Right, now it’s back to my marketing plan. I can’t afford to be late with anything else this week!