Today we wander through the streets of Granada, just gathering impressions, then trying to capture them all as future memories:
Saturday is a good day for weddings: guests in fantastic hats outside a church by the river, throwing rice at the newly-weds; other guests, stiletto shoes in hand, walking barefoot down the slopes from the Alhambra, a popular photographic spot.
Saturday is a good day for weddings: guests in fantastic hats outside a church by the river, throwing rice at the newly-weds; other guests, stiletto shoes in hand, walking barefoot down the slopes from the Alhambra, a popular photographic spot.
The wail of sirens and a loud ‘thump’ as a police car sideswipes a tour bus, causing a traffic bottleneck at the entrance to crowded Lower Albaicin district; they are soon joined by two more police cars, two ambulances and a tow-truck – but there is no shouting and no-one seems to be hurt – apart from the policeman, whose pride is a little dented.
We hear Rodrigo’s Guitar Concerto played with true soul by a musician under the trees outside the cathedral; and less tunefully, at least to our Northern European ears, a portly guitarist in white shirt and tight black trousers wails Flamenco songs to lunchtime diners in the outdoor cafes; later, young girls pout and stamp on a sheet of metal, trying to interest passers-by in tickets for the show in the night-club.
There are saints, marble and gold galore in the chapels lining the inside of the cathedral; an audio guide is some years out of date – but does it matter in a building some 500 years old?; slightly disappointingly, the Royal Chapel is closed. After realising I am possibly the only person taking any notice of the ‘no photography’ rule, I finally pull my camera out of my bag and get snapping.
I experience an inability to understand the abstract paintings of Jose Guerrero; this will be followed later in the day by a more concentrated, but equally unsuccessful, attempt to understand the art installation in the Alhambra, based on a Japanese garden.

Our day starts with a gentle stroll down the hill from the Alhambra to the city, using the winding roadway; this is contrasted sharply on the return journey, when we tackle the shorter, and definitely much steeper, pedestrian route; stopping at each bench to catch our breath – benches that appear to be set at a slope, but actually just compensate for the angle of the path! My interest in architecture and the need to take ever more photographs increase with the gradient.