
One of the things I learnt when I published my first novel, Gorgito’s Ice Rink, was how quickly time passes. It took me 7 years from writing the opening line to getting the finished book published, but the last few months in particular just flew by. I spent loads of time on the writing and editing, but once it was finished, I was so keen to get it out there, I left very little preparation time for the launch and all the marketing activities associated with that. As I work through the same process for Counterfeit!, I am trying to be much better prepared.

I booked the slot in the schedule of Julia Gibbs, my wonderful proof-reader, over six months ago, and the cover design was started by the brilliant Berni Stevens at the same time. I wrote a detailed plan for blog posts, both on my own website and guest appearances. I started working on press releases and other marketing material. If I were traditionally-published, all this planning would have been done for me; but it would have probably stretched out over a much longer period.

Five months in, I have to confess the plan has slipped a little, but I’m much better prepared than I was last time. The text is proofed, the blurb is complete and after one final read-through this week, the manuscript will be loaded onto Amazon and CreateSpace for pre-order. As usual, I will be having some copies produced by my local printer company, Hedgerow Print, for the launch party and face-to-face sales, so the manuscript will be winging its way there too.

And then it’s back to writing and sending out press releases, book launch invitations and guest blog posts. The last five months have flown by. Launch day is rushing towards me; I WILL be ready for it this time. 

Elizabeth Ducie was a successful international manufacturing consultant, when she decided to give it all up and start telling lies for a living instead.

One Comment

    • Julia Gibbs

    • 9 years ago

    Thank you for your kind comment, and best of luck with the book – you deserve it!

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