Like the P&L and balance sheet, cash flow can be looked at historically. In this context, it is used to show how changes in the balance sheet have occurred over the past year. However, I believe it is much more important as a planning tool and it is this aspect we are going to look at in the next couple of articles.
It not part of the record-keeping needed to work out how much we owe the tax man (or vice versa), so a cash flow plan is not a statutory requirement. However, I would suggest it is one of the most important tools in our box. It is particularly critical if we are likely to incur high expenses (which may be the case when we are starting a business) or if there is expected to be a time lag before payments will be received. This sort of time lag is certainly one that most writers will recognise.
The plan can be based on actual or projected figures, and will often be a mixture of both. We often know what our expenses are going to be, while we merely have expectations on levels and timing of income. We start by brainstorming all the income streams we are hoping to tap during the next year; together the the expected amounts and mostly importantly the timing of receipt. This is not about raising invoices; we can’t pay a bill with an invoice. This is about getting money into the bank. And it’s also about knowing and understanding the payment systems operated by our various clients.
Suppose we are commissioned to write a series of monthly articles for a writing magazine and we are offered a fixed fee per article. The series will run from July through to December. The delivery date for the first article is April and then monthly thereafter. We will raise our invoices on a monthly basis from April onwards. There are a number of possibilities for payment:
If we think about other income sources, there is usually a delay associated with payment. For example, money from sales of ebooks via Amazon or Smashwords is delayed twice: firstly until a threshold amount of sales has been made; and secondly according to payment policy. Amazon has varying thresholds depending on currency and payment method, but once the threshold is reached, payment is usually made 60 days following the end of the calendar month in which the threshold is reached. That’s quite a time lag to build in.
Once we have identified all likely income streams and the timing of expected payments, each stream in listed as a separate row on the spreadsheet and the income payments listed in the appropriate column. We can then calculate our expected income by month over the chosen time period.
As always, note that I am not an accountant or a lawyer, just a long-term business owner, talking about my own experience. If you are unsure about anything, always take advice from an appropriate professional.